Thursday, October 11, 2007

Interesting Facts About Illegel Immigrants

According to Rep. Steve King of "Iowa" illegal immigrants are responsible for 12 murders every day compared to 1.7 soldiers killed daily in Iraq.

Some other interesting facts. Illegals are also responsible for 13 "uninsured" drunk driving deaths daily. Also, 8 American children are victims daily of sex crimes at the hands of "illegals". They are also responsible for 80% of the meth sold in our country. Not to even mention the increases in diseases like leprosy and tuberculosis.

Maybe it's time we all got a little better educated and got our priorities in order. I sure would like to hear some of the candidates address some of these issues instead of wanting to open lemon aid stands at the border. Hillbillytech

Red State Update: Paparazzi, Vaginas, Etc.

I know this one is dated but it had me rolling in the floor.