Thursday, December 27, 2007
N.J. Limits Web For Some Sex Offenders, Law Restricts Web Access For Convicts Who Used Internet To Help Them Commit Their Crimes - CBS News
The bill applies to people who, for example, lured a potential victim through e-mail or other electronic messages. It also affects paroled sex offenders under lifetime supervision, but exempts computer work done as part of a job or search for employment.
"We live in scary times," said Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey, who signed the bill because Gov. Jon S. Corzine is vacationing in the Caribbean.
Under the law, sex offenders will have to let the state Parole Board know about their access to computers. Those caught using the Internet would face 18 months in jail and a $10,000 fine.
Convicted sex offenders will have to submit to periodic, unannounced examinations of their computer equipment and install equipment on their computers so their use can be monitored.
Parole officers can also order polygraph tests for convicts suspected of violating the Internet ban, said Parole Board Chairman Peter Barnes.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Christmas to Remember

This is Donna's account of her experience the other day. I must admit, it "bumfuzzled" me.
Christmas 2007 about 3pm
I had just walked across the road from my mother's house and was on my way inside our home to get some stocking stuffers I had forgotten and as I opened our front door something caught my eye and as I looked to the left to see what it was, I noticed someone kneeling down in front of the graves in our pet cemetery located near the edge of our yard. I went inside and got what I was looking for and put the leash on my chihuahua, Blue, and went back outside and then noticed that the figure was still there so I decided to check it out. Strange I thought. Someone kneeling near the corner of our yard in front of our pets' graves on Christmas day.
I walked down the well worn path toward the cemetery and as I approached I noticed that they did not move or offer to rise from the kneeling position. They had on a dark carcoat with a wide brimmed dark hat. As I got next to the figure, they turned to look at me and I noticed it was a woman with dishwater blond hair and she appeared to be about 40 years old. She had tears rolling down her face and she said, "I just wanted to pay tribute." I said "Oh". Then she said,as she looked toward Erica's grave, "She didn't live very long, did she?" I said "No, she was born with a bad heart and lived longer than anyone thought she would. She was very special and loved by all who knew her. Andy came by this morning to see her. She had a wonderful life and was pampered. She is missed terribly."
Then she said, "He lived a good long life" as she looked at Barney's grave. I said, "Yes, he did." Then she looked back at Erica's grave again and I noticed that the tears were still falling and that she had not even offered to wipe the tears away as most people do. I felt strange and was bewildered. I did not know what else to say and actually felt like I had been an intrusion even though she seemed very friendly. I said, "Merry Christmas" as Blue and I turned to walk back down the path and she said, "Merry Christmas to you too."
As I walked in the door of my mother's home, I said that I had just had a very extraordinary experience and then proceeded to tell her what had just happened. She asked if the lady was still there and I said that I did not know. She asked if Blue had barked at her, as he does with almost everyone. I realized then that he had not. Strange. She asked if I thought I had just seen a spirit and I said that I did not think so. After a few minutes we walked back to the cemetery together and no one was there but there were footprints, and knee prints where she had been. There was no one else in sight. I had so many questions. For instance, Why hadn't I asked who she was, or where she was from, or if she needed anything, and how she had come to be in our pet cemetery on Christmas? However, it was too late now to ask. Why hadn't I asked as I stood there with her earlier? Why was I transfixed and so flabbergasted that I had not thought to ask her anything about herself? I had only answered questions and said Merry Christmas! So unlike me, I am always full of questions and never at a loss for words--until now. Who had she been? Why was she here today? Where was she headed? I suppose I will never know.
Our love-hate relationship with cell phones

Verizon Wireless and Alltell had the highest overall scores in the 20 markets Consumer Reports surveyed. But T-Mobile was close on their heels. In most cities, it matched Verizon’s customer satisfaction rates. And the editors say T-Mobile plans “generally offer more for the money than those of Verizon and Alltel.
In a few cities, such as Philadelphia and Tampa, AT&T is also in the running. Even so, Consumer Reports says it “trails the better carriers in almost all respects.”
Sprint was the clear loser, rating the lowest in all of the markets surveyed except Minneapolis-St. Paul. Customers in most cities rated Sprint worse than the competition for dropped calls, customer service, and overall satisfaction.
Sprint also rated poorly in the latest J.D Power and Associates Wireless Customer Satisfaction Index. The survey, based on responses from 22,158 wireless users was released in October. Sprint rated lowest in every region of the country.
Sprint tells me the company has been working hard to improve its network and customer service. It’s opened a new customer service center and hired more service representatives.
“We believe this will pay off in better results in future customer satisfaction surveys,” says spokesperson Roni Singleton. “We still have some challenges, but we are planning an even greater emphasis on improving the customer experience.”
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Hamblen County, TN "Local illegal immigration enforcement initiative won’t fly, official says"
The federal government does not have the resources to house illegal immigrants arrested in Hamblen County or to transport them to their countries of origin.
That’s the message Hamblen County Sheriff Esco Jarnagin said he received recently from a federal official in Washington D.C.
Jarnagin declined to identify the messenger, who effectively hobbled the legislative initiative to allow local law enforcement officials to enforce some federal immigration laws.
"The money was not there," Jarnagin said this morning. "It was a breakdown in the federal aspect of it.
"What frustrated me is that the federal government is not preventing illegal aliens from coming across the border, and we are not getting any support when illegal aliens overrun a community," the sheriff added.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Google confirms plan for wireless bid - Wireless-

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Google will apply to bid for wireless spectrum in an upcoming government auction, the company acknowledged Friday.
The Federal Communications Commission is auctioning the 700-megahertz spectrum to increase bandwidth for mobile phone and Internet services.
Google covets the "C Block" of the spectrum — which carries a reserve price of $4.6 billion — because regulators stipulated that whoever operates it must allow their users to download any software application they want to a mobile device.
"Consumers deserve more competition and innovation than they have in today's wireless world," Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive officer, said in a statement.
Mobile phone companies now force subscribers to use proprietary software to operate handsets on their network, but Google has indicated it plans to challenge that business model. The company announced several weeks ago that it will develop software for mobile devices.
Anticipating Google's move, Verizon Wireless announced Tuesday that it would open its network to devices other than the ones it currently supports.
Google plans to file its application to bid on Monday, which is the FCC deadline. The auction begins Jan. 24.
Now THIS is what i,m talking about!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Where did all the Zunes go?

Microsoft launches 80-gigabyte media player, but it's sold out online.
While Web retailers have 4 GB and 8 GB versions of the second-generation Zunes in stock, the 80 GB music player is not available on Amazon, Best Buy or Circuit City’s Web sites.SEATTLE - The 80-gigabyte Zune media player Microsoft Corp. launched Tuesday has sold out across the Web, to the dismay of online shoppers and delight of the world’s largest software maker.
“Anyone know where I can get a Cabbage Patch Doll ... er ... I mean Zune?” asks an Inc. customer listed as Paul Taylor on the Web retailer’s message board for the product.
Amazon told Taylor and others that their preordered devices for Nov. 13 shipping would not be sent for 10 more days, according to the message board.
While Web retailers have 4 GB and 8 GB versions of the second-generation Zunes in stock, the 80 GB music player is not available on Amazon, Best Buy or Circuit City’s Web sites.
Microsoft said it prioritized the manufacture of the smaller Zune 4 and Zune 8 devices, and that more of the 80 GB version should be on shelves, physical and virtual, in the next 10 to 14 days.
Rumors of a manufacturing delay spread across consumer electronics blogs this week.
To read the rest of the story click on the link below...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Over 1,000 Dogs Seized From Va. Puppy Mill
HILLSVILLE, Va. - Nearly 1,000 dogs were seized by animal control officers in Hillsville, Va., after they raided an alleged puppy mill last week. Officers said they raided the puppy mill, which is thought to be the largest of several, after conducting a five-month-long investigation.
?We counted 1,080 dogs on Nov. 2,? said Garry Larrow, Carrol County administrator.
Larrow said the mill was part of a substantial Virginia puppy mill industry.
The mill?s owner, Lanzie Horton, said he doesn?t think it?s fair.
?I feel like this is my business, I ought to be left to run it,? Horton said.
For the rest of the story click on the link below..., November 09, 2007
Cake- Never There
I love this band and I mean as in listened to them just about every day for years. What's wrong with me?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Don’t get taken by this adorable scam! - Netiquette -
The unstoppable e-mail grift now plays on our insatiable puppy love
Koichi Kamoshida / Getty Images file |
Coming soon to an Inbox near you; arguably the most insidious 419 scam yet. Unlike older cons promising money, love or your life, this new variant doesn’t exploit greed, lust or fear – but another human languor equally as vulnerable — puppies!
Send money now, pleads the unsolicited mail, and you’ll receive these purebred bulldog pups pictured here. Else wise they’ll die horribly. Brilliant, really. As recent events show, nothing makes Americans go nuts like the publicized perils of poor, defenseless, forever innocent puppies.
To read the rest of the story click on the link below..., November 06, 2007
GAO: Thousands mistakenly allowed into U.S.

WASHINGTON - Some 21,000 people who should not have been allowed to enter the U.S. came through official border crossing points between Oct. 1, 2005, and Sept. 30, 2006, according to a government report released Monday.......
Click on the link below to read the rest of the story.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Price for 'premium' text messages? $10,000 - The Red Tape Chronicles -
Sean Clark pays extra each month for his cell phone service so his daughter Amanda can enjoy unlimited, no-charge text messaging. So the Bothell, Wash. man was stunned when his Sprint bill for September showed with nearly $10,000 in text message charges.
"When I opened the bill, it was just pure shock," he said. "There were pages and pages and pages of things on there."
He called Sprint immediately looking for an explanation. Clark knew ringtones and Web-based downloads could get expensive, so he had turned off Web access from Amanda's phone. He also knew that Amanda, a developmentally disabled 18-year-old, liked to send text messages so he "protected himself" by signing up for unlimited messaging. The bill for his family plan was normally a couple of hundred dollars per month.
Initially, a Sprint customer service agent agreed with Clark’s guess that he was a victim of fraud. But a bit of research revealed that he was instead the victim third-party providers who offer services on Sprint's network. And he quickly learned that not all text messages are equal.....
For the rest of the story click on the link below.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
For a majority of likely voters, meaningless bullshit will be the most important factor in deciding who they will vote for in 2008.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Me and my Grandfather
Thursday, October 18, 2007
P2P networks threaten home PC security - Security -
INDIANAPOLIS - Users of peer-to-peer platforms, also known as P2P networks, may be under attack from entertainment lawyers policing copyright violations, but they can also be an easy target for identity thieves. And they may never know about it if it’s their kids who load the software.
Take the Olsons, a typical Indiana family: Christopher and Tami have three daughters, as well as a family dog.
The dog’s name can’t yet be found online, but everyone else’s can, thanks to security holes in popular P2P music downloading software. So can their birthdates and the family’s income and banking information.
“Unbelievable ... how did it get out there?” asked Tami Olson, who pays bills and does her taxes online.
The rest of the story here:, October 16, 2007
Palm and Sprint Introduce New "Centro" Smartphone

Well folks, the $99.00 smartphone is here. This is a CDMA phone so after Sprint takes advantage of it's 90 day exclusivity us Verizon and Alltel customers may get a crack at one. Can you say iPhone killer? ;-)
Verizon Stoops to New Lows!

Verizon Wireless is requiring customers to opt out of allowing the carrier to share their customer proprietary network information (CPNI), a new policy that could spark protest from the carrier’s customers.
CPNI comprises users’ calling records and includes the numbers of incoming and outgoing calls and time spent on each call, among other data. Verizon Wireless last week began sending letters notifying customers that they have 30 days to opt out of the program by calling an 800 number before their information would be shared.
This will take care of it. It is real easy, and only takes a few seconds, you don't even have to talk to anyone, just call 800-333-9956, you enter your phone number, your billing zip code, and the last 4 digits of your SS#, then hit 9 to opt out, quick and painless.
It really should be opt-in, I think this is an effort to get the "consent" in under the old rules, before the new rules take effect in November. And I was just starting to think Verizon didn't suck quite as bad as the other carriers.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Interesting Facts About Illegel Immigrants
Some other interesting facts. Illegals are also responsible for 13 "uninsured" drunk driving deaths daily. Also, 8 American children are victims daily of sex crimes at the hands of "illegals". They are also responsible for 80% of the meth sold in our country. Not to even mention the increases in diseases like leprosy and tuberculosis.
Maybe it's time we all got a little better educated and got our priorities in order. I sure would like to hear some of the candidates address some of these issues instead of wanting to open lemon aid stands at the border. Hillbillytech
Red State Update: Paparazzi, Vaginas, Etc.
I know this one is dated but it had me rolling in the floor.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Suites for the Sweet!

Suites for the sweet! IBM is giving away their awesome productivity suite for free! It costs about $500.00 less than Microsoft Office and is a lot prettier than Open Offices offer. Give it a try
Below is the link for the download so I will just go ahead and say "Your welcome"
I bought a 30 gig black Zune for $99.00!

Yes, it's true! I bought a 30 gig black Zune for $99.00!
The new company called sells one thing a day until they are gone. I found this page searching the net that is a special portal from that is a back door to the few that evidently they onlu offer to Digg customers. Below is the link so give it a try. They might have a few left. You can also find it by googling "zune $99.00" and find the site. Good luck and happy Wooting ;-)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Bush vetoes child health insurance plan

President Bush, in a sharp confrontation with Congress, on Wednesday vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have dramatically expanded children's health insurance.
It was only the fourth veto of Bush's presidency, and one that some Republicans feared could carry steep risks for their party in next year's elections. The Senate approved the bill with enough votes to override the veto, but the margin in the House fell short of the required number.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., decried Bush's action as a "heartless veto."
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Verizon's LG VX10000 Voyager Revealed

NEW YORK - Verizon Wireless unveiled three new cell phones on Wednesday for the holiday season, including a high-end handset named Voyager that will compete with Apple's iPhone.
The Voyager, made by LG Electronics, trumps the iPhone by offering faster wireless Web access. But in a nod to the Apple device, which is only available to AT&T subscribers, it has a large touch screen and full Web browser.
Verizon Wireless hopes the new phone will attract customers put off by the iPhone's lack of a traditional keypad -- the Voyager hinges open to reveal a small computer keypad and a second screen.
"We think it'll be the best phone ... this year. It will kill the iPhone," Verizon Wireless Chief Marketing Officer Mike Lanman.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Could this be what it's like in Heaven?
AT&T Silences Criticism in New Terms of Service

"AT&T's new Terms of Service give AT&T the right to suspend your account and all service "for conduct that AT&T believes"..."(c) tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries." After cooperating with the government's violations of privacy and liberties, I guess AT&T wants their fair share. AT&T users may want to think twice about commenting if they value their internet service."
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Judge rules part of Patriot Act unconstitutional
Provisions allow search warrants issued without probable cause, she says...
PORTLAND, Ore. - Two provisions of the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional because they allow search warrants to be issued without a showing of probable cause, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.
U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment." Lord! Why did it take this long? Constitution, Duh! Remember?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
How Koolu is this?
Koolu Thin Client with 512 MB of RAM
Koolu Net Appliance with 512 MB of RAMplus 80 GB hard drive and Ubuntu pre-loaded
Both models have all these features:- Quiet and reliable fan-less operation- Energy efficient. Uses less than 10 watts!- No fan and ultra low power means it can be left on all the time- Up to 1920 x 1440 display resolution- Full 16-bit audio with stereo; Microphone-in, Audio-out/Headphone- 4 USB ports with printer, keyboard, mouse, and storage support- 10/100 MBit BASE-T wired Ethernet standard.
Most people use their computers to surf the net, email and download their digital pictures. Most everything else can now be done from the browser. Google and others now provide storage and apps like word processing and spreadsheets. Now your not going to be able to play 3-D games or edit video on one of the things but most people don't use their systems for that anyhow. A Koolu runs on less than 10% of the power it takes to run a normal desktop system so at an average energy cost savings of $18.00 per month it should pay for itself in about three years time. Not to mention that it makes no noise, is very small and has no moving parts to wear out. If you don't want the hard drive option, lightweight Linux distros such as Puppy and DSL can be ran from a $20.00 flash drive. Several Koolus can be ran on a home network behind a low cost terminal server so you can have complete control over what your children can and cant' do on the net. No viruses or spyware to get is a big plus. Mark
Bush vows to veto kids’ health insurance bill

President Bush speaks during a news conference at the James Brady Press Briefing Room in the White House in Washington on Thursday.
WASHINGTON - President Bush again called Democrats "irresponsible" on Saturday for pushing an expansion he opposes to a children's health insurance program.
"Democrats in Congress have decided to pass a bill they know will be vetoed," Bush said of the measure that draws significant bipartisan support, repeating in his weekly radio address an accusation he made earlier in the week. "Members of Congress are risking health coverage for poor children purely to make a political point."...
Lets do the math. - $35 billion over five years for our poor kids.
$134.5 billion so far for the war in Iraq. Exxon Mobile has made $9.28 billion in profits for the first quarter of this year alone. Microsoft made a pidley $14.4 billion in it's first quarter. Walmarts profits were down from the last four years to only $2.8 billion. The nations HMO's made $3.6 billion the first quarter of this year. For some reason I am having trouble finding current statistics on the pharmaceutical industry. Oh well, you probably get the point anyway.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Red State Update: Nekkid Vanessa Hudgens
There must be something very wrong with me. I love these guys. of Tubes
This is a prime example of why our country is so messed up.
United States Senator Ted Stevens described the Internet as a "series of tubes", while discussing network neutrality.[1] On June 28, 2006, he used this metaphor to criticize a proposed amendment to a committee bill. The amendment would have prohibited Internet service providers from charging fees to give some companies higher priority access to their networks or their customers. This metaphor, along with several other odd choices of words, was widely ridiculed as demonstrating Stevens's poor understanding of the Internet.
Sources: FBI taped Sen. Stevens’ calls in sting

Oil contractor allegedly paid workers to renovate Alaskan senator's home.
Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, seen walking on Capitol Hill, knew from the beginning that an Alaskan oil contractor was renovating his home, according to a construction worker who said his job duties ranged from installing the senator's hardwood floors to helping run his fundraisers - all on company time.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New Ad: Hillary's Health Care Plan
I have never been a big Clinton fan but after unveiling her new ideas for her health care plan I am getting interested. I went to her website and did some research. I am surprised to say that I'm pretty impressed. Maybe we should pay more attention to what "all" the candidates have to say this time around. Below are some great links for more information.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Homeless Man Hounded For $42K Hospital Bill

Phil Hughes, a homeless man she had befriended[, …] showed up one day and offered to paint her house number on the curb for cash.
[Mary Olsen] gave him $5 and a lunch of turkey and mashed potatoes. During the next few years, she hired him for painting, yard work and other odd jobs.
Hughes has no family in the area, so when he developed a high fever and blood infection a year and a half ago and sought treatment at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, Olsen told him to give her name and address as an emergency contact.
“I didn’t want him to die and not know about it,” she said.
The $42,000 bill addressed to Hughes that later arrived at Olsen’s home covered the three or four days he spent in the hospital.
[A] collection agency began hounding her with phone calls looking for Hughes. The collectors especially liked to call early Saturday mornings.
She told them Hughes did not live there, was homeless and could not afford to pay. Her pleas made no difference: The calls continued daily for a couple of weeks.
“Phil is so obviously an indigent person that no one would expect he would have enough money for lunch,” she said, “let alone a hospital bill.”
This is ridiculous. I bet if he was an "illegal" there wouldn't even be a bill. I don't understand how we have plenty of resources to blow the crap out of the middle East and rebuild it but we can't help our own citizens. Americans have to go homeless, hungry and without medical care while those in "big business" just keep getting richer. Mark
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Dumbass Party
These guys are from Murfreesboro and they are pretty good. Below is a link to their website. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
The Dark Knight Teaser - BATMAN
Superman and Spiderman are wussies. Next summer... The Dark Knight returns!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
Three Tears and a Smile.

The terrible reality of backyard breeding is nothing new. We see it over and over again and the heartbreaking sadness of it never subsides. Backyard breeders are those who breed their animals for various inappropriate reasons. Often, they do not have bad intentions or even realize that they are contributing to a huge problem, but they are. Backyard breeders often breed animals with the intentions of making money or just imagining how cute it would be if their pet had babies, and what wonderful babies they'd make.
While thousands of beautiful little souls wait in shelters for homes, backyard breeders and people who own and run the notorious "puppy mills"

Let's do the right thing and get our pets spayed and neutered. Adopt our pets from the shelters. Do what we can to support the "No Kill" shelters. Donate to the ASPCA and the Humane Society. Even if all we do is spread the word to others we "CAN" make a difference.