The terrible reality of backyard breeding is nothing new. We see it over and over again and the heartbreaking sadness of it never subsides. Backyard breeders are those who breed their animals for various inappropriate reasons. Often, they do not have bad intentions or even realize that they are contributing to a huge problem, but they are. Backyard breeders often breed animals with the intentions of making money or just imagining how cute it would be if their pet had babies, and what wonderful babies they'd make.

While thousands of beautiful little souls wait in shelters for homes, backyard breeders and people who own and run the notorious "puppy mills"

Let's do the right thing and get our pets spayed and neutered. Adopt our pets from the shelters. Do what we can to support the "No Kill" shelters. Donate to the ASPCA and the Humane Society. Even if all we do is spread the word to others we "CAN" make a difference.