Friday, September 21, 2007

Michael Moore shares his view about File Sharing

Now, Mike has got the right idea!

Red State Update: Nekkid Vanessa Hudgens

There must be something very wrong with me. I love these guys.

Series of Tubes

This is a prime example of why our country is so messed up.

United States Senator Ted Stevens described the Internet as a "series of tubes", while discussing network neutrality.[1] On June 28, 2006, he used this metaphor to criticize a proposed amendment to a committee bill. The amendment would have prohibited Internet service providers from charging fees to give some companies higher priority access to their networks or their customers. This metaphor, along with several other odd choices of words, was widely ridiculed as demonstrating Stevens's poor understanding of the Internet.

Sources: FBI taped Sen. Stevens’ calls in sting

Oil contractor allegedly paid workers to renovate Alaskan senator's home.

Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, seen walking on Capitol Hill, knew from the beginning that an Alaskan oil contractor was renovating his home, according to a construction worker who said his job duties ranged from installing the senator's hardwood floors to helping run his fundraisers - all on company time.
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